Linking for a Voice

I recently read an article about a blogger named Megan Reardon.  Interesting enough, Megan did not have any background in writing, besides essays she had to write in school that she dreaded.  Megan started her blog, Not Martha, in the Spring of 2001 as a way to keep track of online links that she was interested in.  What I found most interesting about her interview was how Megan finds the motivation to keep her blog going!
I think the most important thing to ever ask a blogger is "why", because that simple question can expand into so many different directions.  "Why did you start a blog", "why did you continue to do a blog", "why, why, why"?  That's a question that Megan Reardon knew the answers to: she started the blog as a way to store her interests and it just kept growing, her blog has grown to where she now has 4,000 visitors a day!!  I understand the "why" behind a blog because I started my own fashion and lifestyle blog called Citrus and Chic!  I blog about everything beauty: fashion, makeup, skincare, etc.- and the reason I do it is because I love sharing products and clothing that work fantastic for me with others!  I love sharing great things on the market and hope these products will work for others, the same way the work for me!
I have read and seen many success stories about online bloggers, especially fashion blogs, but Megan's stood out to me because even when she was burnt out she kept pushing through it.  As a blogger, I understand how difficult it can be to think of content to post about on a weekly basis.  Megan shared her belief that she doesn't feel any pressure to post new inspirational things on a daily basis.  She posts things that are appealing to her and wants to share it with the world!
I am an advocate for online blogging and think it is a fantastic way to express yourself and to share your own tips and tricks with your audience!


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